Sunday, August 8, 2010
Littering statistics and what are the consequences of littering?
• Litterers can be fined on the spot from $105 for a small piece of litter, such as chewing gum, a cigarette butt or a small piece of paper, or $210 for a lit cigarette butt and other items. The matter can also be taken to court where the penalties range up to $6,289
• Over 18,000 fines were issued in 2004-2005
• Over 90% of these fines were for cigarette butts littered from vehicles.
How long it takes for litter to dispose
Banana/orange peels – 2 years
Cigarette butt – 1 - 5 years
Plastic bags – 10 -20 years
Nylon fabric – 30 – 40 years
Tin can – 50 years
Leather – up to 50 years
Aluminium cans and tabs – 80 – 100 years
Plastic 6 pack holders – 100 years
Glass bottles – 1 million years
Plastic bottles – indefinitely
Who litters?
I think everyone has littered sometime in their lives, but some people change and don’t litter at all and some people get worse.
· 75% of Americans Admit to Littering within the last 5 years.
· Most common litter offenders- Men between 18-34 years
· Smokers
· People who eat at Fast Food places at least twice per week
· Drives more than 50 miles/day
· People who go out for entertainment at least once per week
The fact is; everyone litters sometime in their lives.
What can we do to improve?
We can improve by making sure we put our rubbish in the bin, or pick up any litter we see on the streets. The threat of fines from $100 - $1000 for littering should be enough to make you put your rubbish in the bin but if it doesn’t, the threat of jail time may.
The jail time in Nebraska
First Offense
$500/3 months jail (max.)
Second Offense
$1,000/6 months jail (max.)
Third Offense
$1,000/1 year (max.)
Illegal Dumping
$500/3 months jail (max.)
Why is it harmful?
They are harming the environment because a dogs faeces can cause blindness in children, pieces of gum stick to peoples shoes, it costs a lot of money each year to clean up the litter and can also it’s hard to recycle. It can block water ways and pollute water; it is also contributing to global warming. It also kills animals because they can eat it and die.
What is litter?
Litter is misplaced, improperly disposed of solid waste. Litter not only is a
problem, it is a crime. Litter is anything that you don’t put in the bin, you just leave it around for someone else to pick up for example a few things people litter are cigarette butts, styrofoam cups, pieces of gum, plastic bottles, beer bottles, aluminium cans, dog faeces and fast food wrappers.
Litter is defined as:
Waste in the wrong place caused by human agency.
Anything dropped, thrown, deposited or left so as to cause defacement in a public place (Environmental Protection Act 1990)